Monday, March 9, 2009

The GLORIOUS day of Mike's Birth.......

This past week was Mike's 50th Birthday. We started celebrating late Friday night when our friends arrived with some fabulous decor for the yard and house. We continued to celebrate all day Saturday finishing it off with homemade pizza compliments of Madison. Since we had a good thing going we continued right through Sunday. I think his favorite gift was Madison's. He received a valuable coupon good for 50 snuggles, 50 foot rubs, 50 kisses and 50 hugs.


From this.....

to this......... Boy how time flies!

A photo of the culprits. I love how Mike is throwing back his
head totally cracking up over "the gifts" they left for him.

The boys started this horrible tradition a few years back....sing Happy Birthday AS LOUD as possible, but be completely off tune. It is so annoying but hilarious at the same time. I think the glow from the fire makes our birthday boy look not one day over 49.

Look at all the smoke! It filled the whole kitchen but he got them all out in one try. You are one of a kind Mikey and we all love you ! We're looking forward to celebrating 50 more!


Karen said...

Happy Birthday Mike!

Jana said...

Oh - glorious day, indeed! Happy Birthday Mike - we love you! Have a great time in CR.

The Bob's Blog said...

50 Hey I don't even remember 50. If they put candles on mine 50 fire engines would arrive to blow them out and the paramedics would be there to revive me after trying to blow them out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOUNGSTER!!
Grampa Bob