If you have noticed more activity, vehicles, noise and laughter coming from our house-that would be due to the fact that we have acquired some new roommates for the next few months. I think we'll keep him around as long as possible.
Shari- Thank you so much for your comment! And right now I am dying!!! I mean all your kids-grown up. I love love your family pictures. Your boys are all so handsome and Madi is beautiful as ever. You look great, too! And congratualtions on Jack he is so adorable! I'm so glad you have a blog and I will definitley be keeping up!
Oh my gosh he's so cute! What a fun visit this will be.
Shari- Thank you so much for your comment! And right now I am dying!!! I mean all your kids-grown up. I love love your family pictures. Your boys are all so handsome and Madi is beautiful as ever. You look great, too! And congratualtions on Jack he is so adorable! I'm so glad you have a blog and I will definitley be keeping up!
Last night Rachel told me that of all her cousin's kids, Jack was her favorite. He has the most darling facial expressions.
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